As reported earlier, Dracut Schools participated in a survey of health issues over the last year, and the reports on these surveys have been presented.
I asked Superintendent Steve Stone to come on the air to discuss these surveys, what they say about our students, and what our response will be with regard to helping the students through some difficult issues.
Stone spoke to who was selected (a random sampling at the High School, nearly all Middle School students), how our numbers seemed to come out similar to those of other towns and the state, and that what we need are additional mental health support staff that can be shared across all the schools to support the classroom teachers with these issues.
If an override is approved, the spending on technology that is planned would trigger federal matching funds that would be used to bring on just these services.
Our discussion tended to flow from the specific numbers of the studies, to the general needs of the classroom support that the surveys are showing, and then back to the studies again.
This clip is long, I cut out all commercials, etc.. listen at your leisure.
Stone Photo from Lowell Sun